Etsy Statistics: Sellers, Buyers, & More (2025 Updated)

Etsy has emerged as a popular platform for artisans and crafters to sell their unique products. But just how much do we know about the numbers behind Etsy’s success? 

With that in mind, I’ll cover some powerful Etsy statistics that reveal Etsy’s growth and impact in the e-commerce marketplace.

Etsy Statistics: The Key Numbers

  • Etsy currently has 8.13 million active sellers as per latest report.
  • Between 2023 and 2024, the number of active Etsy sellers decreased by approximately 10.1%, dropping from 9.04 million to 8.13 million.
Data source: Etsy Earning Report
  • There are 95.5 million active buyers on Etsy.
  • Etsy has a 0.13% market share in the eCommerce platform market.
  • Etsy generated over $2.671 billion in revenue in 2023, which ended on June 30, a 10.1% increase over the previous year.
  • Etsy has a 40.1% customer retention rate.
  • Average Etsy seller makes $2,900 per year, top earners $65,000 per month.
  • 97% of Etsy sellers work from their homes.
  • 62% of Etsy sellers are from the United States.
  • Approximately 86% of Etsy sellers are women.
  • On Etsy, the average conversion rate is about 1-3%.

Sources: (Etsy, Yahoo, 6 Sense, Macro Trends, Statista, Dark Yellow Dot, Thrive My Way, WSJ, Crafty Base.)

If you are interested in learning more about the other online e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon, then check out our Amazon facts and number resource page that details the current market and trends of Amazon.

Etsy Seller Statistics

Etsy is a place where creativity becomes income for many. Here is what defines the Etsy seller community:

  • Only 26% of Etsy shops are successful and run as full-time businesses.
  • 74% of all Etsy businesses eventually fail.
  • The average Etsy seller earns between $43,000 and $46,000 annually. 
  • 34% run their creative businesses on Etsy as their sole source of income.
  • 61% of all sellers cite financial challenges as prompting them to start their creative businesses.
  • 97% of Etsy sellers run their businesses from home.
  • 80% of Etsy sellers identify as women.
  • 1 in 4 Etsy sellers live in rural areas.
  • The average age of Etsy sellers is 39.5 years.
  • 61% of Etsy sellers sold for the first time on Etsy.
  • 79% of Etsy sellers consider their shop a business.
  • 44% of creative business owners use their earnings to pay bills, rent, and feed their families.
Etsy Seller's Consolidated RevenuePin

Sources: (Sec)

Number of Etsy Sellers by Year

As of 2025, there were 8.13 million active Etsy sellers. This is an increase from 4.37 million sellers in 2020 and 1.6 million sellers in 2015 according to the latest earning call from Etsy.

YearNumber of Active Etsy Sellers (in millions)
Number Of Active Etsy Sellers By YearPin

Etsy Seller Demographics (US)

  • Gender (% identify as women): 82%
  • Mean Age (years): 39.8
  • Education (% college or more): 48%
  • Median Household Income: $62,000
  • Rural: 27%
  • LGBTQIA+: 16%
Etsy Seller Demographics in the USPin


  • White: 76%
  • Hispanic or Latinx: 14%
  • Asian or Pacific Islander: 5%
  • Black or African American: 8%
  • Native American: 3%
  • Other race/ethnicity: 5%
Etsy Ethnicity DistributionPin

Sources: (Sec)

Etsy Customer Satisfaction Rating (2020-2025)

Based on data I have gathered from the ACSI Retail and Consumer Shipping Study 2021 to 2025, here are Etsy’s customer satisfaction scores over the past five years.

YearEtsy Customer Satisfaction Rating

Etsy Sellers and Economic Impact Statistics

Etsy sellers are making a real economic impact by sourcing locally and exporting globally. Here’s how they’re boosting their livelihoods and economic stability:

  • The vast majority (90%) source supplies domestically.
  • 36% of sellers export their goods outside their home country.
  • 1 in 4 sellers say their business has helped them offset the rising cost of living.
  • 36% of sellers in business for more than a year say their Etsy income is more important now than a year ago.

Sources: (Sec)

Key Challenges and Priorities for Etsy Sellers

Etsy sellers face many challenges in time management, promotion, inconsistent sales, and higher costs. Here is what their main challenges and priorities are:

  • Etsy sellers spend 50% of their business time on making/designing and the rest on other administrative tasks.
  • Sellers face major challenges in marketing their businesses (54%), as well as dealing with inconsistent sales (52%).
  • 48% of Etsy sellers faced inflation and rising costs, with most seeing material and supply costs rise and nearly half seeing utility costs rise.
  • 87% of sellers want to expand their businesses, but 52% do not want to grow so large that they must hire others.
  • 64% of sellers say that starting a business was motivated by the desire to earn extra money.
  • Approximately 6 out of 10 sellers (62%) believe it is extremely or very important to run a socially responsible business.
  • 55% of sellers believe it is extremely or very important to operate an environmentally friendly business.
  • 50% of the sellers surveyed say they use recyclable packaging.

Sources: (Sec)

Why Shoppers Love Etsy Statistics

People love shopping on Etsy because it’s full of unique finds and has high shopper satisfaction. Here’s why Etsy is a favorite among shoppers:

  • 87% of buyers say that “Etsy has items I can’t find anywhere else.”
  • 71% of buyers agree that “There is no other store or website similar to Etsy.”
  • 49% of buyers visit Etsy to shop for a need or item they have in mind.
  • 30% of buyers visit Etsy to look for a gift.
  • 30% of buyers look for a customized or personalized item on Etsy.
  • 30% of buyers browse Etsy for inspiration without a particular item or idea in mind.

Source: (Sec)

How Many Etsy Shops Are Successful?

According to Jennie Smith, Etsy’s former seller growth manager, only 26% of Etsy shops are successful and take as a full-time business. The main reason for this is the competition; there are over 7.52 million active shops on Etsy, so it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.

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